What is HOCL?

Hypochlorous (HOCl) was first discovered by the French chemist, Antoine Jérôme Balard (1802 – 1876). Since then, it has been found to be a key component of the primary internal defense system produced by white blood cells of the human body. HOCL is naturally produced by all types of white blood cells (leukocytes), including neutrophils, eosinophils, mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes and this is reflective of its importance in mediating the body’s effective response to infection or injury. HOCL serves multiple important functions in humans, beginning with fighting off all types of infections and inactivating pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores. Additionally, HOCL plays a critical in reducing inflammation and triggering a series of biochemical chain reactions to stimulate rapid healing and restore normal structure and physiological function. Today, HOCL now forms a critical active ingredient for many applications such as in sanitation, healthcare and agriculture.
Fighting Infection

In response to infection or injury, white blood cells eliminate exogenous invaders and kill pathogens by mounting a biochemical reaction called the “respiratory burst” or “oxidative burst”. This series of biochemical processes comprises the central artillery against pathogens. An enzyme called myeloperoxidase (MPO) inside white blood cells catalyzes the production of HOCL as a key component of innate immunity. HOCL selectively binds with the unsaturated lipid bilayer of cells and subsequently disrupt cellular integrity of organisms such as bacteria. Additionally, it can exert anti-viral effects through the formation of chloramines and nitrogen-centered radicals, resulting in DNA breaks. Moreover, HOCL is a powerful oxidizing agent.
Stimulating Wound Healing
Several properties of HOCL makes this substance a powerful solution for wound care. In addition to its potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, key differentiators of HOCL from other wound care agents include its anti-pruritic (anti-itching) effects, its ability to increase oxygenation at the wound site and exert dose-dependent favorable effects on fibroblast and keratinocyte migration that play a critical role in tissue repair. Additionally, chronic wounds such as those related to diabetes mellitus, venous stasis, peripheral vascular disease and pressure ulcerations create an environment for bacterial colonization and the formation of biofilms that enable bacterial to collect and proliferate. HOCL harnesses powerful biofilm eradication effects and prevent its formation. These combined effects of HOCL stimulate wound healing and thereby makes this a powerful wound care treatment agent.

100 Years of Science In The Making
For over 100 years, scientific studies on HOCL now provides indisputable evidence for its efficacy in disinfection and promoting wound healing. Its powerful physiological effects due its role as part of the healthy response to injury or infectious attack, combined with other published health benefits such as reducing skin aging, supporting healthy blood clotting and reducing scarring has now placed HOCL as an emerging staple resource of significant public health relevance. Additionally, HOCL has now been proven to have a phenomenal safety profile. Together, this has led to its increasing broad adoption in multiple industries from healthcare and sanitation, to water treatment, the food industry, biosecurity, animal welfare and farming.